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The Company

NutriCattle is a private consulting company with focus on research and development of innovative solutions for the fast-growing animal nutrition market.

Our main goal is to provide agribusiness companies with new ways to face market through their products differential, introducing innovative technology for a sustainable production, also generating added value and market widening, reaching new competitive positions and new market opportunities.

Our work is based on experience and ability, accomplished by the most respectful professionals through study and research, accurate feed analyses, mathematical models, risk analyses, besides other techniques which take a competitive differential to our clients.

It is NutriCattle's commitment to work with competence, responsibility and sustainability to bring your business the future of animal, industrial, and environmental production, always respecting animal limits and environmental balance in favor of livestock chain in Brazil and in the world.

Our Mission

To create, research, and develop technology, innovation and applicable solutions, contributing for animal production through a sustainable ruminant nutrition.

Our Vision

To be a reference for the creation of solutions that generates sustainability and profitability for livestock production chain.

Our Differential

NutriCattle is a truly foster technology company in animal production. We create and develop unique and innovative products and processes which turn into patent applications.

Our technology is grounded on scientific and academic bases recognized worldwide. NutriCattle's technology can help you:


Create products and diets with added value using byproducts and/or non-conventional ingredients;


Formulate more precise and more profitable diets;


Create tools for decision support in different production systems;


Evaluate and validate non-conventional ingredients;


Create and develop innovative products and processes for patent applications.

Our Service

Technical Visits and Follow up

Consulting for Agribusiness Industries

Differentiated Formulations

Feed Analyses for Mechanistic Nutrition Models

Analysis and Revision of Products

Creation of Products and Processes for Animal Nutrition Market

Training, Courses and Workshops

Our Technology

Products / Processes

NutriCattle owns some patent applications, turned into innovative products and processes already available on the market.

Systems / Softwares

NutriCattle has specific technology for creation and development of suitable systems/softwares for ruminant production.

Our systems tools generate data which support decisions for the best cost-benefit, taking into account the least environmental impact and also the maximum profitability.


Our team is ready to assist you!

+55(27) 99661-1446